Ave G. Lethbridge

Ave Lethridge

Ms. Lethbridge is a corporate director and former executive with over 30 years of human resources experience in the energy, utility and telecom industry and over 19 years as a senior executive officer for Toronto Hydro Corporation, most recently as Executive Vice-President and Chief Human Resources and Safety Officer from 2013 to December, 2021. Ms. Lethbridge has held key leadership positions with Toronto Hydro, including in areas encompassing human resources strategy, labour relations, environment, health and safety, business continuity and pandemic incident command, corporate social responsibility, sustainability (ESG), climate change strategy targets, mergers and restructuring, succession, enterprise risk, security & crisis management, regulatory compliance, strategy, technology change and innovation, government relations, and corporate governance. From 2002 to 2004 she was Vice President, Organizational Development and Performance & Corporate Ethics Officer; from 2004 to 2007 she was Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness; and from 2008 to 2013 she was Vice President, Organizational Effectiveness and Environment Health and Safety.

Ms. Lethbridge is currently an independent director on the board of Kinross Gold Corporation where she serves as chair of the human resource and compensation committee and member of the corporate governance and nominating committee. She holds a Master of Science degree in Organizational Development from Pepperdine University with international consulting experience in the U.S., China and Mexico. She has completed the Directors’ Education Program from the Institute of Corporate Directors at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management and currently holds the ICD.D designation. She is a Certified Human Resource Executive (CHRE) and holds a Climate & Biodiversity Certificate and Designation (CCB.D) from Competent Boards. In 2021, she was the recipient of the Energy Lifetime Achievement award from the Ontario Energy Association.