EAF Update: Fume Treatment Plant (FTP) Stacks Installed

We’ve successfully installed the Fume Treatment Plant (FTP) stacks for our Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs)!

We’ve successfully installed the Fume Treatment Plant (FTP) stacks for our Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs)!

Each EAF, connected to the FTP, features a stack with a 20-foot diameter and a height of 230 feet. These stacks are engineered to release filtered air through an efficient dust collection process, maintaining compliance with Ontario’s environmental standards. Constructed from insulated double-walled weathering steel, they reduce noise, provide long-lasting performance, and facilitate accurate emission testing to meet regulatory requirements.

Watch the video to follow our journey towards Electric Arc Furnace steelmaking.

Algoma Steel 2024 ESG Report Covers

Read Algoma’s
2024 ESG Report
