
Plate Products

Canada’s Only Discrete Plate Producer

Wide Range of Algoma Steel Plate Products

Wide Range of High-Quality Steel Plate Products

We offer a wide range of high-quality steel plate products that meet or exceed most international performance standards for construction, manufacturing, automotive, energy, and defence applications.

Plate Mill Modernization

Our newly modernized Plate Mill enhances the quality and capacity of one of our key products. The advantages of the upgrades include enhanced flatness and surface quality, increased thickness and high strength capability, and improved ship-on-time and reliability performance.

Algoma Steel Plate Mill Modernization Project
Algoma's highly automated Plate Mill ensures consistency across entire plate product range.

Highly Automated Production to Ensure Consistency Across the Entire Product Range

Our highly automated Plate Mill and state-of-the-art technology ensure consistency across our entire product range. Using continuously cast steel slabs, the Plate Mill rolls both carbon and high-strength low alloy (HSLA) plate up to 154″ (3,912 mm) wide, the widest steel plate manufactured in Canada. Floor plate is rolled to a maximum width of 96″ (2,440 mm).

In Plant Heat Treating Facility

In-Plant Heat Treating Facility

Algoma Steel operates our own in-plant heat treating facility, allowing us to produce a wide range of normalized, as-quenched, and quench & tempered steel plates, which are required for high-strength, abrasion-resistant, and/or military applications.

Photo of Electric Arc Furnace construction

Electric Arc Steelmaking

We are on a path to become a North American producer of green steel. Learn more about how our multi-year, multi-million-dollar innovation will allow Algoma to deliver on its purpose to build better lives and greener futures for generations to come.


A full list of our plate grades can be downloaded below. For information about gauge/width/length combinations by grade, or our capability to produce grades not listed, please contact our Sales Department.

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“Working with Algoma’s product development team is more like working with a knowledgeable partner. They’re hands-on, collaborative, and go the extra mile to make sure we get what we need, when we need it.”

Brannon Steel

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Our Products. Your Way.

Algoma Steel is a fully integrated Canadian producer of hot and cold-rolled steel sheet and plate products delivering responsive and customer-driven product solutions for a wide range of industries.

Creative solutions for unique needs.

Contact our sales team to learn more about how Algoma’s green steel products can serve your industry.